
Product picture

Controller for stepper and BLDC motors, allowing you to control movements with high speed and accuracy.

Axis: 1-3
3 step modes
Speed: up to 15000 full steps per second
Latest software and documentation
package for this product
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mDrive Direct Control

The main program designed to control positioners, diagnose motors, adjust them, and so on. Installation information is available in the user manual in the chapter '5.6 mDrive Direct Control installation'. Windows/Linux/macOS are supported. To work on Windows, download the file with the suffix 'win32_win64'. To work on the Macintosh, download the file with the suffix 'osx64'. The standalone version with the suffix 'x86_64.AppImage' is suitable for Linux users. Older 32-bit versions of Linux require the suffix 'ia32.AppImage'.
Link Version Release date Size
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.8-osx64.tar.gz 3.0.8 2024-08-26 28.7 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.8-ia32.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.8 2024-08-26 25.5 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.8-win32_win64.exe 3.0.8 2024-08-26 30.7 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.8-x86_64.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.8 2024-08-26 25.2 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.8-changelog.txt 3.0.8 2024-08-28 249 Bytes
Older releases
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.7-osx64.tar.gz 3.0.7 2024-03-25 16.6 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.7-x86_64.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.7 2024-03-25 13.0 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.7-win32_win64.exe 3.0.7 2024-03-25 25.1 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.7-ia32.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.7 2024-03-25 13.3 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.7-changelog.txt 3.0.7 2024-08-09 135 Bytes
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.6-x86_64.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.6 2024-01-22 13.0 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.6-osx64.tar.gz 3.0.6 2024-01-22 16.6 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.6-changelog.txt 3.0.6 2024-08-08 55 Bytes
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.6-ia32.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.6 2024-01-22 13.4 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.6-win32_win64.exe 3.0.6 2024-01-22 25.1 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.5-osx64.tar.gz 3.0.5 2023-10-30 17.0 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.5-x86_64.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.5 2023-10-30 13.1 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.5-ia32.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.5 2023-10-30 13.5 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.5-changelog.txt 3.0.5 2024-08-08 178 Bytes
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.5-win32_win64.exe 3.0.5 2023-10-30 25.1 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.4-osx64.tar.gz 3.0.4 2023-09-01 16.7 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.4-ia32.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.4 2023-09-01 13.5 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.4-changelog.txt 3.0.4 2024-08-08 113 Bytes
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.4-x86_64.AppImage.tar.gz 3.0.4 2023-09-01 13.1 MB
mdrive_direct_control-3.0.4-win32_win64.exe 3.0.4 2023-09-01 25.1 MB
Category icon

User manual

Technical specification, mDrive Direct Control application User's guide, programming, etc.
Link Version Release date Size
mDrive_User_manual-3.1.2-en.pdf 3.1.2 2024-08-12 53.1 MB
Older releases
mDrive_User_manual-3.1.1-en.pdf 3.1.1 2024-06-11 53.1 MB
mDrive_User_manual-3.1.0-en.pdf 3.1.0 2024-02-29 53.2 MB
Category icon

Developer kit

The description of the developer kit can be found in the ximc/doc-en/html/index.html folder of the archive below. A PDF version of the programming guide can also be downloaded from here. Examples can be found in examples
Link Version Release date Size
libximc-2.14.24-all.tar.gz 2.14.24 2024-07-17 68.8 MB
libximc_api_manual-2.14.24-en.pdf 2.14.24 2024-07-17 862.8 kB
libximc_src-2.14.24-all.tar.gz 2.14.24 2024-07-17 18.6 MB
libximc-2.14.24-changelog.txt 2.14.24 2024-08-08 397 Bytes
Older releases
libximc-2.14.23-changelog.txt 2.14.23 2024-08-08 82 Bytes
libximc-2.14.23-all.tar.gz 2.14.23 2024-05-31 68.8 MB
libximc_src-2.14.23-all.tar.gz 2.14.23 2024-05-29 18.6 MB
libximc_api_manual-2.14.23-en.pdf 2.14.23 2024-05-28 862.0 kB
libximc_api_manual-2.14.20-en.pdf 2.14.20 2023-12-28 862.5 kB
libximc-2.14.20-changelog.txt 2.14.20 2024-08-08 52 Bytes
libximc-2.14.20-all.tar.gz 2.14.20 2023-12-28 68.8 MB
libximc_src-2.14.20-all.tar.gz 2.14.20 2023-12-28 18.6 MB
libximc_src-2.14.17-all.tar.gz 2.14.17 2023-08-23 18.6 MB
libximc-2.14.17-changelog.txt 2.14.17 2024-08-08 32 Bytes
libximc-2.14.17-all.tar.gz 2.14.17 2023-08-23 62.8 MB
Category icon

Controller firmware

Information on updating the firmware is provided in the user manual, in chapter 5.3.13
Link Version Release date Size
mdrive-6.0.5-changelog.txt 6.0.5 2024-11-07 294 Bytes
mdrive-6.0.5-hw2.0.x.cod 6.0.5 2024-10-16 276.5 kB
Older releases
mdrive-6.0.4-hw2.0.x.cod 6.0.4 2024-07-11 276.1 kB
mdrive-6.0.4-changelog.txt 6.0.4 2024-07-12 198 Bytes
mdrive-6.0.3-changelog.txt 6.0.3 2024-04-08 266 Bytes
mdrive-6.0.3-hw2.0.x.cod 6.0.3 2024-04-01 275.8 kB
mdrive-6.0.2-changelog.txt 6.0.2 2024-04-08 266 Bytes
mdrive-6.0.2-hw2.0.x.cod 6.0.2 2023-12-29 275.6 kB
mdrive-6.0.1-hw2.0.x.cod 6.0.1 2023-07-28 276.1 kB
mdrive-6.0.1-changelog.txt 6.0.1 2024-04-08 456 Bytes
mdrive-6.0.0-changelog.txt 6.0.0 2024-08-08 177 Bytes
mdrive-6.0.0-hw1.0.x.cod 6.0.0 2023-03-21 198.1 kB
Category icon

LabView examples (Windows)

Controller usage examples in LabView (Windows)
Link Version Release date Size
labview-2.14.17-changelog.txt 2.14.17 2024-08-08 122 Bytes
labview-2.14.17-Labview_12.0.7z 2.14.17 2023-05-04 5.7 MB
Category icon


Driver for Windows (Linux and macOS does not need a driver). The driver is installed automatically when installing the mDrive_Direct_Control software. You can also download the specified file below.
Link Version Release date Size 1.0.1 2024-03-27 10.0 kB
Older releases 1.0.0 2023-07-28 10.0 kB
Category icon


A utility for automatically detecting mDrive devices connected to your local network. 64-bit versions of Windows/Linux/macOS are supported. The Linux version has been tested on Ubuntu, but it will work on many other popular distributions as well.
Link Version Release date Size
revealer-2.0.11-ubuntu64.tar.gz 2.0.11 2024-07-01 11.4 MB
revealer-2.0.11-changelog.txt 2.0.11 2024-08-08 106 Bytes 2.0.11 2024-07-01 11.0 MB 2.0.11 2024-07-01 17.8 MB
Older releases
revealer-2.0.10-ubuntu64.tar.gz 2.0.10 2024-03-29 11.2 MB 2.0.10 2024-03-29 9.4 MB
revealer-2.0.10-changelog.txt 2.0.10 2024-08-08 463 Bytes 2.0.10 2024-03-29 17.5 MB
revealer-2.0.8-ubuntu64.tar.gz 2.0.8 2023-12-28 10.7 MB
revealer-2.0.8-changelog.txt 2.0.8 2024-04-05 504 Bytes 2.0.8 2023-12-28 17.5 MB 2.0.8 2023-12-28 9.4 MB 2.0.6 2023-08-14 17.5 MB
revealer-2.0.6-ubuntu64.tar.gz 2.0.6 2023-08-14 10.8 MB 2.0.6 2023-08-01 11.8 MB
revealer-2.0.6-changelog.txt 2.0.6 2024-04-05 265 Bytes 2.0.5 2023-06-14 20.3 MB
revealer-2.0.5-changelog.txt 2.0.5 2024-04-05 168 Bytes
revealer-2.0.5-ubuntu64.tar.gz 2.0.5 2023-06-14 10.8 MB 2.0.5 2023-06-14 10.3 MB